How do you feel?
That is not a how are you feeling today question.
That is a what mechanism do you use to feel question.
Have you been blasted by 'spiritual teachers' telling you to get out of your head and into your heart? There seems to be a message that the mind is bad and the heart is good, and then the same messenger will smuggly tell you there is no good and bad. They then present a mind based technique to get you out of your mind. Whilst you are busily trying to process that information (without using your mind because you now understand that to be 'bad') the 'teacher' is quietly, and often unconsciously, helping themselves to a large chunk of your power.
I put my hand up now. I got caught in this typical energy 'exchange' myself. Sorry!
The reason we are directed to the heart is that it is commonly accepted as our feeling centre.
But do you feel with your heart?
The heart produces the most powerful field effect in our body and is an amplifier and transmitter of the frequency we are holding. The question is does it have to process all the information as well? My feeling is that we have different centres to process different types of information. High frequency information is best processed by the mind. Low frequency information (feelings) are best processed by the gut. The information is processed and delivered to the heart which resonates with our truth and well being, and feels crappy if the information is not a match.
When someone tells you to get out of your mind it would help if they were a little more specific. Get the low frequency feeling information out of your mind for sure but don't ask the heart to process it, send it to your gut, (leaving your maths homework in the mind)!
If someone is projecting their truth onto you (some call it teaching), process that information in your mind and your heart will let you know if it resonates or not. Similarly, if someone invites you into an experience let your gut process that information and your heart will provide confirmation or otherwise through resonance with the feeling.
When dealing with money let the gut make it and the head count it. Don't work out if you find someone attractive in your head let your gut tell you. When learning new conceptual ideas let your mind play with the information. Your heart sits in the middle of all these information flows and resonates with your own truth, don't ask it to do the processing for you. If your heart resonates with the information it receives you will feel an excitement or energised and that feeling is exploded into the universe with a clear I LOVE THIS GIVE ME MORE PLEASE signal.
The mind is fantastic, the gut is fantastic and the heart is fantastic.
Pavarotti was a great singer but his dancing sucked. Einstein was retty cool at thinking but not so good at the javelin. Let them do their appropriate job.
Your heart knows, but your mind had to tell it about the content and your gut had to feel it.
You are powerful, own it and don't let a bit of third grade NLP or psychology try to steal your power,
In the spirit of this communication if this information feels horrible trust your heart and hit the delete button. If you went straight to your heart as your teachers so often advise you wont have got this far!
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