Thursday, 15 December 2011

Is your skip full or empty?

Last Saturday’s full moon had quite an effect on me and from the conversations I have had over the last two days, it seems I might not be the only one.

For me it seems to have dredged up loads of stuff I thought I had said goodbye to some time ago and watching it playing out once more has been unpleasant to say the least! I wanted though to share something that happened to me on Tuesday morning.

We have been having building work done at home and as I was looking out my bedroom window on Tuesday morning I saw the lorry arrive to take away the full skip. It had an empty skip on it and I wondered if we were going to be getting yet another one to fill. I found myself wondering how the driver would swap them over. Would he unload the empty skip and then take away the full one....leaving the builders to manoeuvre the empty one into place? Would he take away the full one and them come back with an empty one later?

I watched intrigued as he lifted up the full skip and placed it inside the empty skip on the truck. He then moved the chains onto the empty skip and lifted the full skip inside the empty skip back on to the drive. Finally he move the chains again and lifted the full skip back onto the truck and drove away. Magic!!

As I stood there marvelling at the solution, I got the impression I was being shown something about how change happens. Yes, I know, some people have guides who are angels....I have skip drivers! I imagined how I would feel standing at street level on the drive. I would watch the rubbish in the full skip being taken away.....great. But then, “Oh no! What’s this? Here it comes back again!” Would I see the empty skip carrying it.....or would it just look like all the rubbish returning?

I wonder if that is what this recent full moon has been like. Bringing to the surface a lot of rubbish we thought we had got rid of. But underneath there is something new we can’t quite see yet. Is it the arrival of something new that is sweeping away the old. It could feel pretty awful if we just look at the rubbish but if we wait a few moments longer the rubbish is going to be taken away leaving something new..... hopefully not another empty skip to be filled with yet more rubbish!

with love


Thursday, 8 December 2011

Are you asking smart questions?

When you find things a little tough or a familiar pattern plays out do you find yourself asking the same old questions? "Why is this happening again?", "Why me?", "When will this stop?"

If you do, you are not alone. And if you do you will continue to experience the very thing you are so tired of.

These types of question are open requests to the universe to give you more of that experience. If there is a lesson in every experience, asking why something is happening will bring about more of that experience, perhaps dressed up in a different way or presenting as a different person, but you will have that experience again.

Giving attention to what you do not want is a sure fire way to make it show up again. This is why people find themselves stuck in the same old patterns year after year.

Victims remain victims as much through the "why me?" question as through anybody else's actions. The perpetrators are simply players in that person's game fulfilling the Why me request.

With all that is happening in the world on a collective and personal level it is really important to get some discipline with the questions you ask. There is a lot of free floating anxiety around and even though that anxiety may not be yours, it is easy to try to give it a context and go straight to your personal data bank of anxiety stories: my kids wont get a job, they dont like me, I will run out of money, my bum looks big in this!

As your awareness grows and you find life a little tricky do not get stuck in the loop with sloppy thinking and perserverative questions.

One of the most powerful tools we use is to ask a smarter question. The open ended question gives the universe the opportunity to show you something new or closer to your chosen feeling. Questions starting with "how would it feel...?" or "what would it look like..." are very effective, although you require awareness and maybe non-linear thinking to interpret the answer.

What about "If there is something here that might be helpful what would that be?" "How would it feel to be the abundance that I am?"

We use these type of questions frequently and would encourage you to do so.

Remember, the answer always lies where the question is asked. Our job at the moment is to ask smarter questions. That is one reason I love working with kids, their questions are normally fearless and creative and the ones we overlook!

To play with this tool please send us examples of your open ended smarter questions.

We will publish a list of them all and reward the one we like the best with a free Happy Home Stone worth £49.95 (visit ) .

Please send your suggestions to or post on our Facebook page .

How would it feel to get a great response to this blog?
