Last week Charlotte and I decided to set ourselves an outrageous target for The Happy Home Stone. I can see no logical way in which we can achieve it and that is why we set it. One way of getting me to “let go”. Since then it feels as though the Universe’s response has been, “OK, if you want to reach this target we need to look at a few small limiting beliefs...”
Later that day I listened to a call on a programme called the Money Breathrough Method I have recently signed up for. This is a programme by Kendall Summerhawk and I signed up when I heard her say “How you do money is how you do everything.” During the call she took us through her Money Breakthrough Method which is a series of nine questions designed to help you discover your underlying belief about money. After the call I was eager to apply it to myself so I wrote down the questions and took myself off for a bath...the only guaranteed place to find any peace and quiet in my house. An hour and a number of top ups of hot water later I had it and WOW! It was like toppling dominoes!
I realised that I believed you have to work hard to make money. All my family stories are about my grandmother working extremely hard to save £100 to start the family business etc. I then realised that if this is my belief then it will create my experience and my experience will of course reinforce my belief. I could see, however, that the belief came first and I had stumbled upon a belief that was so deep seated that I regarded it as truth. This sent me off in search of my other “sacred cows”.
I uncovered a whole raft of beliefs which I had inherited from my parents. Beliefs so deep seated that each time I uncovered one it was like finding out Father Christmas wasn’t real. I began to see how perfect the Father Christmas story is. Adults you trust fill your head with stories of an old man climbing down the chimney to leave you presents. You don’t question it and then one day you find out it’s a pack of lies. Do you think the Universe is perhaps giving us a hint for later in life?
Where else could I find deep-seated beliefs which if I could change might change my experience of life? I recently embarked, very reluctantly, on a major programme of dental work. If I could uncover the underlying belief that was creating this experience could I change the experience.....i.e. avoid it. I have tried everything else, Matrix Energetics, The Programme, mandalas, you name it I have given it a go. So I dug around for the beliefs and found some great ones and the date of my next appointment approached.
Well, two and a half hours later after a lot of drilling and root canal treatment I emerged. Sitting on the train home with a very sore jaw I pondered what I was getting wrong. Then I got it. Everything I was doing was to avoid the experience because of fear. I was trying to change a belief to change an experience because I was afraid. When I am no longer afraid of the dentist then I suspect suddenly I will no longer need to go - but I won’t mind because I am no longer trying to avoid it. Suddenly I could see the gift in the experience, I stopped resisting it and I felt that wonderful peace I am coming to know as presence.
So I don’t believe in Father Christmas....but as for the Tooth least she seems to have money sorted!
with love
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