Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Secret Power of Power Secrets

I was once told the way to produce a bestseller is to include the word Power or Secret in the title.

I decided to investigate these words and as a reult have discovered the way to world peace, total abundance and instant manifestation. There is an obvious temptation to withold this information and describe it as a secret but that would be both childish and predictable.

Truth is I didn't get very far with the word secret. People seemed to know all about it but wouldn't tell me.

However, power was a revelation. I structured a workshop called Power Living and in attempting to define power I came to see how the perception of personal power was in fact the root of our disempowerment.

The simplest and perhaps cleanest definition of power is the ability or capacity to perform or act effectively, and indeed this was the intention behind the workshop.

The next defintion I found was a big 'aha' for me as it exposed the flawed thinking which has ultimately disempowered us all. That definition was of persoanl power which is described as your ability to control your environment including others in your environment.

It is precisely the belief that your power lies in your ability to control circumstances and other people which causes us to lose our power. True power is the ability to be OK regardless of external conditions.
If you look at those able to work successfully with horses or children they both demonstrate a similar characteristic. They manage their own energy first, thereby creating the possibilty of genuine communication and co-creation.

It may have been true in the past that controlling others has been a route to an illusory state of power, be it through the blunt instrument of war or the subtle control of marketing and media. However, I believe that we are in a seminal point in our evolution where power over others is becoming as impossible as it is undesirable.

Any attempt to project energy or power over another takes you away from self and denies you the state of presence in which the new authentic power lies. Marketing, politicians and businesses are beginning to experience this new reality and will increasingly lose power as resonance replaces dominance.

When flying you are instructed to put on your own oxygen mask first in an emergency, for it is only then that you can be of use to others. Extend that metaphor to life and amazing things will happen.

Monday, 5 March 2012

What is acreativespace?

I had a very humbling experience on Thursday night when I was interviewed by Sandie Sedgbeer on the Awakening Zone.

The past ten years of my life have been absorbed in the world of frequency and the past three in the construction of the consciousness which we know as acreativespace. 

Given the opportunity to talk about it for an hour and a half to an educated audience with a knowledgable and enthusiastic host would seem to be a dream come true. 

I came out of the conversation somewhat dispirited and frustrated. I left the interview with one question nagging away at me and it was the very question I was there to answer. 

That question was WHAT IS ACREATIVESPACE? 

If I left asking that question, what on earth must anybody listening be thinking?

So...What is acreativespace?
What is interesting is in the opening section of this blog I described acreativespace as a consciousness as opposed to a business and this, I think, is where the answer to my question lies. Smarter questions do work! 

Early in the history of acreativespace Ltd we realised that to fulfil its potential acreativespace should not be organised as a traditional business. Its function was to create a space in which all those interacting with it could become a full expression of their essence. 

This included ourselves. It was not the task of acreativespace to provide us with a living but to create the environment in which our true expression would allow us to create the lives we love, in a place we love, with people we love.

At a practical level this meant it needed a presence within the current paradigm of survival. It had to pay the rent and keep us warm. It had to embody. But behind that it's real function was to be the space which allows authentic expression... a physical space; an energetic space; a spiritual space.

The true essence of acreativespace is an intelligence and organizing principle behind the arising of form. It is the un-manifest, the eternal. I borrow these words from Eckhart Tolle and they are, in part, his definition of consciousness. 

To define acreativespace as consciousness may seem crazy, but that is how I perceive it. My journey with acreativespace has been a trip into consciousness itself. 

How do you market consciousness?  

Quite simply you don't. 

My frustration on Thursday was my inability to communicate what acreativespace can do for you, your family, your business or whatever your perceived needs. 

But therein lies the problem. Perceived needs.

Within the current paradigm of lack, we operate a business by identifying, or more commonly, creating a demand or need, and then providing the goods or services which solve the problem or satisfies the demand.

Basically we are told that we are not enough and that there is a something available which will make you enough. This applies as much to many spiritual teachers as it does to the cosmetics industry.

What if the message is that you are enough?  You do not need to buy my product. Engage with us and nothing in your experience will change. Pretty tricky sale that! But at its core it is the truth of our message at acreativespace.

So what do we offer? 

Simply stated we are selling space. In effect we are selling nothing. In that space your essence will be able to breathe, be able to express and will connect you to the infinite abundance that you are. You will see through the illusion of lack and there is literally no price tag on that.

Do not engage with acreativespace to remove a problem. Engage as a demonstration that all problems are an illusion. 

Each time you buy something to remove a perceived lack, to remove a concern or surpress a fear you are cementing the reality of lack and buying into the fiction that there is something to fear.

Be brave enough to buy something because there is no lack and that the something you buy will make no difference to your external world. Shattering the illusion of lack will release you to create any experience you choose, it will catapult you into the void, or into a truly creative space.