Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Secret Power of Power Secrets

I was once told the way to produce a bestseller is to include the word Power or Secret in the title.

I decided to investigate these words and as a reult have discovered the way to world peace, total abundance and instant manifestation. There is an obvious temptation to withold this information and describe it as a secret but that would be both childish and predictable.

Truth is I didn't get very far with the word secret. People seemed to know all about it but wouldn't tell me.

However, power was a revelation. I structured a workshop called Power Living and in attempting to define power I came to see how the perception of personal power was in fact the root of our disempowerment.

The simplest and perhaps cleanest definition of power is the ability or capacity to perform or act effectively, and indeed this was the intention behind the workshop.

The next defintion I found was a big 'aha' for me as it exposed the flawed thinking which has ultimately disempowered us all. That definition was of persoanl power which is described as your ability to control your environment including others in your environment.

It is precisely the belief that your power lies in your ability to control circumstances and other people which causes us to lose our power. True power is the ability to be OK regardless of external conditions.
If you look at those able to work successfully with horses or children they both demonstrate a similar characteristic. They manage their own energy first, thereby creating the possibilty of genuine communication and co-creation.

It may have been true in the past that controlling others has been a route to an illusory state of power, be it through the blunt instrument of war or the subtle control of marketing and media. However, I believe that we are in a seminal point in our evolution where power over others is becoming as impossible as it is undesirable.

Any attempt to project energy or power over another takes you away from self and denies you the state of presence in which the new authentic power lies. Marketing, politicians and businesses are beginning to experience this new reality and will increasingly lose power as resonance replaces dominance.

When flying you are instructed to put on your own oxygen mask first in an emergency, for it is only then that you can be of use to others. Extend that metaphor to life and amazing things will happen.

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