Thursday, 9 June 2011

Heads up for June

June is here

Some of you may be aware that June promises to be an 'exciting' month. After a period of relative calm celestial events are likely to stir things up a bit. Whichever 'story' you choose to follow it is our observation that as things liven up in the skies we see a corresponding shift in energies within our community.

June and early July present us with three eclipses, the June solstice and for those Mayan enthusiasts, the Ninth Wave of the calender continues to pulse. Whether or not you are sensitive to these things it is worth being aware of your own state of well-being.

Many have reported an unexplained anxiety during these phases. When we experience anxiety or any other feelings we naturally try to justify or explain them. Our advice is notice them but do not attach to them. Trying to work out WHY you are feeling something is the first step toward greater stress. We seek the WHY so that we can somehow control things so the feeling can be removed. In fact the search for the source merely gives the feeling the energy it needs to persist and trying to control your environment is the ultimate stress.

The ONLY thing you can control is your own energy. Observe the feeling, appreciate it (whatever it is, say thank you if you can) and let it go. The feeling is not you! It is transitory and will pass quickly unless you give it energy. If you find you are struggling with this please feel free to give us a call. We can just listen or run a programme or share, but dont be shy.

What is it all about?

My belief, and it is just my belief, is that the geo-magnetics of the earth are changing and changing quickly. This is evidenced by the shifting of the magnetic poles (the North Pole will be in Siberia within 15 years if it continues at this rate). So what? Well we are just matter organised by a field and as that field changes so do we. Feelings are magnetic, thoughts electric. As the electro-magnetic field changes we will be shaking off emotions, belief patterns and all sorts of stuff that no longer serves us. This is a great opportunity. BUT attach to those feelings as they fall away and they will linger and you will experience them all the more. Try to be neutral, just observe with detachment and curiosity and you will discover a peace you will enjoy beyond expectation.

Many will encourage you to seek out the 'good' feelings and move away from the 'bad'. My advice would be to observe them all equally. Remove the judgement and you remove the charge. It is our seeking the good feelings which puts us in resistance to what is and gets us into attempting to control our environment, which is stressful!

So if in June you find yourself sitting at the front of an emotional roller coaster remember it is not personal. Try to observe yourself and the situations you are creating with amusement and awe. And if necessary give us a call.

Physical balances and one to one sessions.

I have been drawn back to some physical balancing of late and have been using a new technique which aligns the meridian system to the new geo-magnetics. This has been having a powerful effect on some and subtle effects on others. If you feel you need some help with this shift I am taking appointments at the Creative Space Centre. Each session lasts approximately an hour and is charged at £50.

If you are experiencing challenges with money, career, relationship, parenting then why not take a fresh look at those challenges. Learn to recognise the opportunities. We will be offering one-to-one sessions at the Centre for £50 an hour. If we fail to change your perspective you can have your money back!

Finally for those of you on the Programme remember to call if you need extra support. We do not charge to run extra specific balances so dont suffer in silence give us a call.

Happy June


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