Monday, 27 June 2011

Views from the Matrix

Something happened in Frankfurt last week.
Something beyond the obvious.
As a man who is happy to have his thinking challenged, his paradigms shifted, his beliefs shattered, I have to admit this was the Premiership of mind blowing.
Richard Bartlett and his Matrix Energetics seminar is an experience on many different levels. Packed with confirmations and contradictions, this comic book experience turns your left brain inside out, bounces it off the wall, puts it in a blender and then gives it a re-assuring hug and sends it on its way.
Whilst my left brain is engaged in a one lobe wrestling match my right brain is having fun noticing what it notices....and that is often weird!
Perhaps the most profound realisation of the week was the understanding of Richard's insistence that Matrix Energetics is a consciousness technology. Most people get stressed by trying to mange their physical environment, believing that once the kids are sorted, the partner has changed, they have lost two stone, have the dream job and solved world poverty they will be happy. I thought I was smart seeing through this and explained that trying to manipulate your physical experience was pointless until you had sorted out your energetic patterns first. Once you had your energy sorted the rest would take care of itself anyway, or at least you wouldnt be at the affect of your external experience.
Listening to Richard Bartlett last week I realised that managing your energy was a bit like managing your physical environment. Not quite as difficult but still an attempt to manipulate what is already in existence. We have always been aware of this at some level at acreativespace but have been waiting for the aha moment which explains what we have been trying to communicate.
My big realisation is that for your experience to truly change you have to go to the level of consciousness...tap into the field of possibility and be open to anything that shows up. To me Matrix Energetics is simply about 'uncollapsing' the wave to open up the field of possibility, noticing what is different and being at peace with that. To do this you have to absolutely trust that it is a benevolent universe, which means getting out of its way.
When we play the 'create our own reality game' we too often have half an eye on an outcome we think we would like and so before we have uncollapsed the wave function we have collapsed it again, but only into an experience we have had or are previously aware of...this doesnt allow the universe to surprise and delight you, it merely keeps you locked into the pattern of experiences you think you are trying to change.
You have to go to the level of consciousness to allow something new in. Manipulating enrgy, be it through 'healing' or intention is merely playing with what is already there. The real excitement comes when you step beyond that and allow something new into your experience...I think they call them miracles.
The real secret with this is to hand over the reins to the universe...something easier to achieve when your left brain is in a blender.
Thank yoyu Richard for the experience, even if I havent got a clue what happened!


  1. Well done! Great write up, Bill! Liking all this.

  2. I'm following this for sure..... now come all and follow my rantings! :
