Thursday, 25 August 2011

Harvest, water, weed.

We have a bumper crop of apples on one of our trees this year so for the past week I have been going out each evening to harvest them. I remember once hearing Bob Flowerdew, the organic gardening pioneer, saying that when you go into your garden you should first harvest, then water and then weed. I tend to do the opposite. Start with the weeding, finish with some watering and if I still have time and energy harvest.

This week I have been following his advice and as a result, my experience of the garden has been totally different. Its pretty obvious really but I now go out looking for fruit to harvest rather than weeds to attack. Then I will look for plants that need water, so nurturing. I do still find time to remove weeds but I find I am looking for where weeds are limiting the growth of plants rather than just making the place look untidy. As a result the whole energy with which I engage with the garden has changed to appreciation and nurturing rather than combat!!

I have found myself wondering whether this might extend beyond the garden. Last week during a Matrix session someone told me they felt that if I could change my beliefs about money everything would change. Driving home I started turning all my beliefs about money on their head and laughed when I got to, "Money does grow on trees."

Ridiculous as this may seem I began to wonder if I was just failing to "harvest" in my business in the same way as my garden. It was a really interesting exercise. Try it yourself. Do you sow seed, water, fertilise, prune, weed and harvest?

More importantly, I realised that starting with the harvest meant I was looking for what was successful in the garden rather than focusing on what needed fixing. This does apply to everything. Where attention goes, energy flows. So focusing on the harvest will bring more to harvest whereas focusing on weeds brings....more weeds!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Results Day!!

Last night my daughter, Holly phoned me and said something I never thought I would hear. "I can do maths!" She went on to tell me she had been adding fractions and calculating ratios all day. Rewind four years and I am sitting at a table with her on holiday, teaching her number bonds. She is 15 and has to go back to school a day early to re-sit her end of year maths exam as she did so badly. Her writing has reverted to the writing of a seven year old. The pencil is gripped in her fist and sometimes she writes the numbers backwards. She is crying as the whole experience brings up memories of school misery. Eventually we master those and move on to times tables. That brings up more stress and some for me as well! It is heartbreaking to watch but she is desperate to pass her Maths GSCE as she believes doors will close for her otherwise.

Fast forward to now.....what's changed. She has found her passion. In February she decided not to take up any of her university places but instead to enrol on a practical filmaking course. Six months later she has discovered the wonderful world of cameras and cinematography. The first time she told me about working with a film camera she almost cried. "It's as though I make sense for the first time in my life." She found all the things that had caused problems at school suddenly became gifts....even the bullying she had experienced. Suddenly it became possible to see how everything that had happened had been preparing her for this experience. It also confirmed what we have always told parents....that people find a way of learning what they need when the time is right. Maths now has a context for Holly as she has to calculate ratios and fractions to operate the cameras she loves.

For me this has been the Law of Attraction in action. There is no way I could have anticipated four years ago that the girl sobbing at the table would want to be a cinematographer. I couldn't even guide her in the right direction. She found it herself. Yesterday she also told me that she now believes there is a job for long as they do what they want to do, not what everyone else wants them to do. This is not always easy and there have been many tears along the way, hers and mine. I have been helped by the constant reassurance of people who know Holly, that she would be fine.

So on this day of results if there is anyone out there with a child who hasn't got the grades they It will all work out brilliantly even though it may not be possible to see how at the moment. Give us a ring if you would like our help and please share your stories with us.


Friday, 12 August 2011

Dont Panic

I felt moved to put out an e-mail as we have had a number of calls from people finding the current energies a little challenging and parents reporting an increased anxiety in their children. Whichever of the current 'crises' is grabbing your attention, and there seem to be a few to choose from, it maybe helpful to take a detached view where ever possible.
I find a useful perspective is that the stories creating all the noise are expressions of the powerful energies hitting the planet at the moment. At an individual level you may experience this current phase of the shift as a personal anxiety and look around for the story to justify that feeling of unease or discomfort. We will either be worrying about our kids,relationship, finance or health.
I believe what we are seeing in the streets of London or in the financial markets are expressions of the same process, simply on a collective scale. I really don't believe the participants in these 'stories' are aware of why they are behaving as they are, they are simply players in the process of dismantling old structures which will no longer serve us.
The frustrations, fears and anxieties we may feel at the moment are simply old patterns falling away. The choice remains simple. Give those feelings energy, build a story around them and watch them persist or, if you are sensible,wave them a fond goodbye and get into present time.
It would be easy to attribute the anxieties we may be feeling to the 'stories' around us but I honestly believe we are like canaries in a coalmine. Where we have anxiety we are sensing the gas. If we choose to get curious about the gas and give it our energy then we may well experience an explosion. If we choose to treat our sense of gas as an opportunity to move away from the feeling or story then we will be fine.
As ever it is a case of managing your energy, holding a detached view of the drama playing out everywhere and choosing where you place your attention.
Stay present