Friday, 12 August 2011

Dont Panic

I felt moved to put out an e-mail as we have had a number of calls from people finding the current energies a little challenging and parents reporting an increased anxiety in their children. Whichever of the current 'crises' is grabbing your attention, and there seem to be a few to choose from, it maybe helpful to take a detached view where ever possible.
I find a useful perspective is that the stories creating all the noise are expressions of the powerful energies hitting the planet at the moment. At an individual level you may experience this current phase of the shift as a personal anxiety and look around for the story to justify that feeling of unease or discomfort. We will either be worrying about our kids,relationship, finance or health.
I believe what we are seeing in the streets of London or in the financial markets are expressions of the same process, simply on a collective scale. I really don't believe the participants in these 'stories' are aware of why they are behaving as they are, they are simply players in the process of dismantling old structures which will no longer serve us.
The frustrations, fears and anxieties we may feel at the moment are simply old patterns falling away. The choice remains simple. Give those feelings energy, build a story around them and watch them persist or, if you are sensible,wave them a fond goodbye and get into present time.
It would be easy to attribute the anxieties we may be feeling to the 'stories' around us but I honestly believe we are like canaries in a coalmine. Where we have anxiety we are sensing the gas. If we choose to get curious about the gas and give it our energy then we may well experience an explosion. If we choose to treat our sense of gas as an opportunity to move away from the feeling or story then we will be fine.
As ever it is a case of managing your energy, holding a detached view of the drama playing out everywhere and choosing where you place your attention.
Stay present

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