Are things changing? Maybe, maybe not. But my perception of them is.
I am noticing that there is less emotional charge around the events in my life,
and with that comes a greater clarity, and the ability to respond rather than react to my circumstances.
Paradoxically the less susceptible I am to emotional noise the greater the depth of feeling I experience.
This to me is the shift in action. As we spend less time and energy trying to control our environment we have less need to project our emotional state onto others, and are less at the effect of free floating emotional noise, and the emotional projection of others.
In this state we see through the fog and get a much more profound sense of self. We can observe and access our own truth. The feelings we experience in this state arise from within and are of a much different nature to emotions. Emotions are charged with judgement and lock us into the conditionality of the third dimension.
I have come to see emotions as tools of distraction, designed
to move me away from self and keep me locked into the illusion of whatever
story is presenting at that moment in time.
Once the emotional aspect of an event loses its ability to
distract, my perception of that event changes. As this becomes my predominant
experience I have noticed that the circumstances I find myself in have less and
less power over me.
For me the end of emotion does not make me unfeeling. In fact the opposite. It allows a feeling which carries within it an intelligence beyond the reach of the rational mind. It allows me to access ME rather than the story of me.
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