Friday, 23 July 2010

The Horse Boy/Awesomism

I have spent the day working on the promotion of our event in November at Sheepdrove. This event has been really easy to organise but I am starting to feel quite nervous about promoting it. I know that the event has a frequency and that if I am able to hold that frequency it will attract everything it needs. It cannot be any other way  - that is the Law of Attraction. But I also know that if I start to feel that the event is going to be difficult to promote then...I will be holding the frequency of a difficult to promote event and ....guess what it will be!

So the first thing I decided was to set the event up as a new client on the creative space programme. This means the programme can de-stress the frequency of the event and my concerns won't compromise it. I also decided to use the new intensive programme which lasts 12 weeks taking us to the middle of October.  

Once the programme was running I sat down to start contacting people. I am coming to realise that setting the frequency is not enough. You have to take action as well. A number of people had mentioned The Autism File so I had a look at the web site and decided to contact Polly Tommey the founder. I went to dig out the copy of The Independent to find the article that had started the whole adventure for me and there she was on page three. Then I looked at an email of suggestions I had received from Gillian Naysmith who helps to promote Rupert's book and there was Polly's name I decided to ask her to open the event for us. The great thing about working with frequency is that I know it will either resonate with her or not. If it does brilliant if it doesn't, nothing has been lost.

I then contacted Sheepdrove to confirm the booking. It is such a lovely venue. When I was putting the event together I wanted to build the frequency from the bottom up. It feels like weaving something together rather in the way a perfume is created. The venue is a big part of this. The location, the buildings, the food and the atmosphere at Sheepdrove provide the perfect start - like the base note of a perfume.  

We have adapted the flyer we sent out to everyone on our list so it can go out generally. Again it felt important for the flyer to hold the frequencies of Rupert, Suzy and acreativespace so there are two photos and our logo. 

Next week Bill and I are going to start applying some of the material we picked up at The Entrepreneurs Summit we went to last week to promote the event. This will start to amplify the frequency and the programme will be working in the background to ensure that our insecurities don't get in the way! 


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