Tuesday, 22 May 2012

What is Love?

My last blog left me pondering the question...what is love? 

The question came about following an exploration of the concepts behind Adamantine particles and the idea that matter was brought into being through the FORCE called LOVE.

In order to really grasp this I had to look at the use of the word love and found myself eventually replacing the word love with the word attention.

To explain this I will use the term love in lower case to explore its current usage and the word LOVE in upper case to explore the force of creation, sometimes known as God.

In the third dimensional world of conditionality love has become subject to the usual dualist distinctions. Love is a good thing and its absence is associated with the nasties of fear or hate. In short love has become a conditonal expression of approval of behaviours and people we like (or people who like us!). Our declaration of love before God in our marriage vows is a conditional contract of predetermined behaviour. 

That is not to say we have no experience of unconditional love, its just that in those moments you no longer reside in third dimension, you have accessed a portal to a higher dimensional experience.

So what of this other LOVE? The LOVE which to me is interchangeable with ATTENTION. We are all familiar with the phrase "Where attention goes the energy flows".  This is not just the statement underlying the Law of Attraction but is exemplified by the observer effect in Quantum physics. The observer's attention collapses the wave into a particle. To put it another way, that to which we give our attention becomes our reality. Whatever we LOVE comes into being. LOVE is the FORCE which brings matter into being.
At this point all the New Agers start hugging each and try to love a better planet into being. Good luck!

So why are we failing? Why haven't they hugged a better, fairer world into place? If everything is made from love who ordered the nuclear missiles?

The answer is simple...in our world of judgement we have given our LOVE (attention) to that which we judge as bad! LOVE is beyond the realm of judgement, it just is. We are living breathing LOVE machines as we walk around giving our ATTENTION without a great deal of awareness and even less understanding.

If  LOVE is simply ATTENTION then it is neither good nor bad. We build nuclear weapons with LOVE, not because they are good or bad but because we give our attention to war. To try to stop war with love is still giving attention to war, so we are inadvertently LOVING war, applying the force of creation.

How do we move from love to LOVE?

The answer to this one is, in my mind, PRESENCE. Presence to me is a state in which all of your attention is in the here and now. You are neither thinking about tomorrow or yesterday nor wondering what your wife or children are doing. In other words your current situation has your full ATTENTION. You are in essence in LOVE with the moment. This is the portal to that unconditional terrain which we associate with the higher dimensions.

The children we see at acreativespace are often mirroring their experience of the world. They often have the label ADD or ADHD...is that LOVE deficit disorder? Perhaps they are showing us their experience of a world lacking in LOVE, or to put it another way, a world where the portal to LOVE is closed. The way to really connect with these children is to be as present as possible and remove the LOVE deficit.

So what are the children we label ADD telling us? They are a reflection of the world they see and what they perceive is quite literally a world lacking ATTENTION, or to put it another way, LOVE DEFICIT DISORDER. We have lost our connection to the moment and in so doing have closed that portal to the higher dimensional experience, the unconditional terrain.

Our experience is that to authentically connect, communicate and co-create with these kids we must first demonstrate PRESENCE, which is another way of saying ATTENTION, which is another way of saying LOVE. No one is questioning the love for these kids, but they require LOVE. 

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