Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Would you Adam and Eve it!

For those of you unfamiliar with cockney rhyming slang (the Americans amongst you may think of Dick van Dyke in Mary Poppins!) the phrase 'would you Adam an Eve it?' translates to 'would you believe it?'

If you who have been to one of our workshops you will be familiar with my fascination with Adam and Eve, or more accurately the Garden of Eden story. To me The Garden represents abundance and the story tracks man's adoption of a belief pattern based on lack and survival, which lead to competition and separation.

It is my belief that the current evolution of human consciousness is in fact the realisation of our return to Eden. My problem is that this belief is, well, just my belief. Like all of us enjoying this current reality I would like some evidence please! This is the challenge we all face when making change...holding a new belief pattern with enough conviction to see it materialise.

Our work at acreativespace is about changing people's perceptual reality to the extent that their experience of life changes. We have learnt that it is not enough to make a superficial alteration to someone's belief pattern. The belief has to be held with enough stability for it to become that person's experience.
So I asked myself, "what would it be like to have some confirmation of the validitty of my musings?" What would  it take for me to really Adam an' Eve it? Or to KNOW rather than beleive.

The universe doesn't hang around and  that Friday we had a new client. We ran her son on the Programme. His name? EDEN. We ran the programme on Eden and the remarkable thing about the balance was that it re-counted much of the content of the Garden of Eden story, right down to the Tree of Life.

Ok, I sat up and took notice. Having read thousands of balances from the Programme I knew this one was different.

It didn't take long to get the next piece. Monday morning in fact. I received a call from a woman who had seen my interview with Sandie Sedgbeer and was wondering if the Programme might help her. Her name. EVE of course!

I was getting the hang of it and awaited patiently for Adam to turn up and explain all to me. Adams came and went but with no resonance, until I noticed that the Programme kept presenting the frequency pattern for the Adamantine Particle. I noted that but carried on until I received a module from a Lauren Gorgo (Think with your heart) e-mail course I was doing (CellSpeak). The subject matter...Adamantine Particles.

So what are Adamantine Particles? To quote CellSpeak 'they are the smallest, most fundamental particles...in both manifest and unmanifest existence... that contain the stored potential to form any original substance in our universe. They are the particles which make up the ether (space and non-space) , assemble the atoms of all original elements and make up all matter in the universe...including the sub-atomic cell structure of our bodies.'

So there I had it. Eden, Eve and Adam(antine) all served on a plate! The fun part is gluing all those Adamantine Particles together to create a reality based in abundance rather than the inherited belief in lack.

The secret apparently is LOVE. Love is the force which glues everything together and brings an idea into form. This got me pondering the age old question of  "what is love?"

That is the subject of my next Blog and brought me to a number of realisations which once revealed seem obvious but had been long obscured.

Is love simply attention? ADD becomes Love Deficit Disorder, which I think gives a big clue!

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