A game you can't win?
As an economist by training I look at the current situation of the World Economy and, like all other economists can see no real solution within the current system. There are ways to profit from it, to position yourself with a greater chance of survival, but there is no solution to it. The subtitle of the book Busting Loose from the Money Game gives us a clue...Mind-Blowing Strategies for Changing the Rules of a Game You Can't Win.
This is a classic example of Einstein's oft quoted truism 'you can't solve a problem with the thinking used when we created it."
What is the problem?
So what is the thinking which created the problems we currently face? I believe it is the same thinking which underlies all of our current "problems", be it in finances, in relationship, in education, in environment, even in time.
The definition of economics I learnt at school was "the study of the allocation of scarce resources". The concept of scarcity is the base assumption which governs the way we organise ourselves. Scarcity creates the need to differentiate ourselves and underpins the whole Darwinian outlook of survival of the fittest and is the basis for competition. We live as if we are just about to run out of everything. Money, energy, water, time, love...you name it and we believe there is not enough of it.
The current banking crisis is not caused by lack of money but the reluctance of the banks to circulate the money they have. The banking system has become obese because of their fear of future lack, in the same way as the West has an increasingly obese population while others in the world go hungry.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
To understand current US economic policy we need look no further than the episode of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in which society is run by hairdressers and phone sanitisers (a metaphor for the service economy). To solve their economic problems the hairdressers adopted leaves as their currency. This of course made everybody immensely rich but had created a bit of a problem with inflation due to the high level of leaf availability (one peanut now costs three desciduous forests!). The Fed is currently using the leaf solution, but calling them dollars and the policy is quantative easing!
To solve the problem of inflation the hairdressers have decided to revalue the leaf by an extensive campaign of defoliation and burn down all the forests. This is the IMF and German solution to the problem!
Watch the first minute and a half of the clip ( Economics ) and you have a pretty good understanding of world economics.Watch the rest and you will find the answer to life, the universe and everyhting!
So what is the solution?
The bad news is that at this level there isn't one.
The good news is that at this level there isn't one.
How can this possibly be good news?
To go back to Einstein's quote, we need a new type of thinking, not to solve the problem but to transcend it. We have to select a new belief pattern which can see beyond the paradigm of scarcity. We have to move beyond survival. The fact is that all the time we hold onto the base assumption of scarcity there is no solution to our problem.
If there was a solution, it would simply keep us locked into the game you can't win. It is time to start playing a new game.
Fortunately, the evolutionary leap required to transcend those limitng structures is now firmly in progress. Described by some as the Shift, this evolution of human consciousness, is moving us from a limited conditional framework, known by some as the third dimension, to a more fluid unconditional experience known as the fifth and higher dimensions.
This shift is hard to imagine as it transports us to a paradigm beyond survival and operates with a different set of ground rules which is akin to installing new software and escapes the 'logic' of cause and effect thinking which is, rather cleverly, part of the scarcity package.
You are the solution!
This shift in consciousness is not something which will happen outside of you, although the current paradigm may make it appear that way. The replacement of survival programming with new higher dimensional software is an indivdual process. Think of it as installing anti-spam software to your e-mail. Choosing your attention point (see an earlier blog where attention = LOVE) is your key to your experience. Focus on the higher aspects of life as opposed to the lack.
As your attention point moves beyond the paradigm of lack so will your experience of the world. As your perceptual reality adjusts to life beyond survival the nature of the information you will be able to access will evolve and with it your whole experience.
The exciting part is that this new experience is available now, its just a question of giving it your attention.
Excellent post. Thanks for keeping this type of energy fresh and alive on the web!