Thursday, 15 December 2011
Is your skip full or empty?
For me it seems to have dredged up loads of stuff I thought I had said goodbye to some time ago and watching it playing out once more has been unpleasant to say the least! I wanted though to share something that happened to me on Tuesday morning.
We have been having building work done at home and as I was looking out my bedroom window on Tuesday morning I saw the lorry arrive to take away the full skip. It had an empty skip on it and I wondered if we were going to be getting yet another one to fill. I found myself wondering how the driver would swap them over. Would he unload the empty skip and then take away the full one....leaving the builders to manoeuvre the empty one into place? Would he take away the full one and them come back with an empty one later?
I watched intrigued as he lifted up the full skip and placed it inside the empty skip on the truck. He then moved the chains onto the empty skip and lifted the full skip inside the empty skip back on to the drive. Finally he move the chains again and lifted the full skip back onto the truck and drove away. Magic!!
As I stood there marvelling at the solution, I got the impression I was being shown something about how change happens. Yes, I know, some people have guides who are angels....I have skip drivers! I imagined how I would feel standing at street level on the drive. I would watch the rubbish in the full skip being taken away.....great. But then, “Oh no! What’s this? Here it comes back again!” Would I see the empty skip carrying it.....or would it just look like all the rubbish returning?
I wonder if that is what this recent full moon has been like. Bringing to the surface a lot of rubbish we thought we had got rid of. But underneath there is something new we can’t quite see yet. Is it the arrival of something new that is sweeping away the old. It could feel pretty awful if we just look at the rubbish but if we wait a few moments longer the rubbish is going to be taken away leaving something new..... hopefully not another empty skip to be filled with yet more rubbish!
with love
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Are you asking smart questions?
If you do, you are not alone. And if you do you will continue to experience the very thing you are so tired of.
These types of question are open requests to the universe to give you more of that experience. If there is a lesson in every experience, asking why something is happening will bring about more of that experience, perhaps dressed up in a different way or presenting as a different person, but you will have that experience again.
Giving attention to what you do not want is a sure fire way to make it show up again. This is why people find themselves stuck in the same old patterns year after year.
Victims remain victims as much through the "why me?" question as through anybody else's actions. The perpetrators are simply players in that person's game fulfilling the Why me request.
With all that is happening in the world on a collective and personal level it is really important to get some discipline with the questions you ask. There is a lot of free floating anxiety around and even though that anxiety may not be yours, it is easy to try to give it a context and go straight to your personal data bank of anxiety stories: my kids wont get a job, they dont like me, I will run out of money, my bum looks big in this!
As your awareness grows and you find life a little tricky do not get stuck in the loop with sloppy thinking and perserverative questions.
One of the most powerful tools we use is to ask a smarter question. The open ended question gives the universe the opportunity to show you something new or closer to your chosen feeling. Questions starting with "how would it feel...?" or "what would it look like..." are very effective, although you require awareness and maybe non-linear thinking to interpret the answer.
What about "If there is something here that might be helpful what would that be?" "How would it feel to be the abundance that I am?"
We use these type of questions frequently and would encourage you to do so.
Remember, the answer always lies where the question is asked. Our job at the moment is to ask smarter questions. That is one reason I love working with kids, their questions are normally fearless and creative and the ones we overlook!
To play with this tool please send us examples of your open ended smarter questions.
We will publish a list of them all and reward the one we like the best with a free Happy Home Stone worth £49.95 (visit ) .
Please send your suggestions to or post on our Facebook page .
How would it feel to get a great response to this blog?
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Bunga Bunga Time
The backdrop to the past two weeks has been the familiar frantic activity on the sun, with an 800,000 km magnetic filament stirring things up, and the usual associated microbial gymnastics. If any of you had 'enjoyed' a 'lively' stomach, an indecisiveness around food choices and a diminishing in cravings then you are not alone.
There was a keen anticipation of a calming of the energies on or around 11-11-11 and indeed for a number that proved to be the case. However my experience was of a particularly trying week, where old patterns turned up with a concentration and insistence which was difficult to ignore and despite all my lectures on managing your energy I had a few days which reminded me of the old days! Judging by my observations and the many calls we have had I was not alone. Indeed, some of the patterns presented themselves in a way which a number of people described as 'their worst nightmare'.
Once again this is the passing away of the who you are not. The old stories are running for the door as your true essence starts to emerge. My advice is open the door and bid them farewell. If you choose to engage with the stories they will persist and with the increasing speed of manifestation they will show again up sooner rather than later (look at Egypt for a macro example).
The great news is that a touch of awareness, using your grounding cord, pulling on your Power Pants and processing the information in the right station will clear the way for incredible times. This volatility has already begun to settle and the period through to December 12th should see an increasing calm. The speed of manifestation will work to your advantage if you continue to manage your energy with awareness and authenticity. Watch your children closely as they should revel in the new energies.
Above all be gentle with yourself. These are incredible times and if Berlusconi can't wriggle his way out the change then I am sure I can't. When democracy falls in Greece you know you are witnessing something amazing. Today we heard that this period will see the falling away of the fear body and if that is the case we may enjoy the equivalent of Belusconi's Bunga Bunga Party!
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
How are you feeling?
That is not a how are you feeling today question.
That is a what mechanism do you use to feel question.
Have you been blasted by 'spiritual teachers' telling you to get out of your head and into your heart? There seems to be a message that the mind is bad and the heart is good, and then the same messenger will smuggly tell you there is no good and bad. They then present a mind based technique to get you out of your mind. Whilst you are busily trying to process that information (without using your mind because you now understand that to be 'bad') the 'teacher' is quietly, and often unconsciously, helping themselves to a large chunk of your power.
I put my hand up now. I got caught in this typical energy 'exchange' myself. Sorry!
The reason we are directed to the heart is that it is commonly accepted as our feeling centre.
But do you feel with your heart?
The heart produces the most powerful field effect in our body and is an amplifier and transmitter of the frequency we are holding. The question is does it have to process all the information as well? My feeling is that we have different centres to process different types of information. High frequency information is best processed by the mind. Low frequency information (feelings) are best processed by the gut. The information is processed and delivered to the heart which resonates with our truth and well being, and feels crappy if the information is not a match.
When someone tells you to get out of your mind it would help if they were a little more specific. Get the low frequency feeling information out of your mind for sure but don't ask the heart to process it, send it to your gut, (leaving your maths homework in the mind)!
If someone is projecting their truth onto you (some call it teaching), process that information in your mind and your heart will let you know if it resonates or not. Similarly, if someone invites you into an experience let your gut process that information and your heart will provide confirmation or otherwise through resonance with the feeling.
When dealing with money let the gut make it and the head count it. Don't work out if you find someone attractive in your head let your gut tell you. When learning new conceptual ideas let your mind play with the information. Your heart sits in the middle of all these information flows and resonates with your own truth, don't ask it to do the processing for you. If your heart resonates with the information it receives you will feel an excitement or energised and that feeling is exploded into the universe with a clear I LOVE THIS GIVE ME MORE PLEASE signal.
The mind is fantastic, the gut is fantastic and the heart is fantastic.
Pavarotti was a great singer but his dancing sucked. Einstein was retty cool at thinking but not so good at the javelin. Let them do their appropriate job.
Your heart knows, but your mind had to tell it about the content and your gut had to feel it.
You are powerful, own it and don't let a bit of third grade NLP or psychology try to steal your power,
In the spirit of this communication if this information feels horrible trust your heart and hit the delete button. If you went straight to your heart as your teachers so often advise you wont have got this far!
Friday, 9 September 2011
Brain Crack
Well on his birthday he phoned to tell me he had got rid of an enormous piece of Brain Crack. For a long time he had dreamed of busking, so on his birthday he picked up his guitar, went to Trafalgar Square and busked. He earned £2 and was thrilled. More by the fact that he had finally done it than anything else. I could feel I was losing my "Brain Crack Partner in Crime".
So the pressure was on. Then last week Bill mentioned something Caroline Myss had said about how until something moves below the heart into the solar plexus we don't have anything invested. I suppose an idea comes into the crown chakra as inspiration, then you visualise it (the brow chakra) then you talk about it (the throat chakra) and then you imagine how it would feel (the heart chakra). Then you have to commit, which deciding to do what is required to bring it to life. That's when it begins to get real. You apply your power to it. You "invest" in it. If you don't it just sits there as've got it....BRAIN CRACK.
This week I decided to try something new. Each evening I have spent a few moments making a list of what I have done. In particular the brain crack I have dealt with. I have been really surprised at how effective this has been. Over the course of the week I have actually got through quite a bit of brain crack. The combination of awareness and focusing on what I have achieved rather than beating myself up about what I haven't, seems to have worked wonders. I have written three blogs rather than just think about them, sent flowers to my Mum rather than think it would be a nice idea, made fig jam rather than just buy the sugar, written letters to prospective clients for a new business, created a leaflet and put my boots on and gone for a walk rather than just looking out at the sunshine (there was some this week - honest).
As well as making inroads into my brain crack (there's still plenty left believe me) it seems to have started a flow of positive results in other areas. Almost as though by committing the energy in one area has allowed it to flow in others. It's early days but as they say, "initial results are promising".
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
The Paradox of Separation
The paradox is that to move toward Oneness we must first master our Separateness. In essence to become more aware of the connectedness of everything we must first become skilled at disconnection.
In our wisdom we have chosen a model of scarcity and survival as opposed to one of abundance (the Garden of Eden story). Survival has placed us in unhealthy relationships based on competition and co-dependency as opposed to co-creation and co-operation.
The result of this thinking has lead to a very inefficient and in fact destructive way of powering ourselves. Scarcity thinking leads us to believe that we cannot generate enough energy to meet our needs and fuel our creation and we have consequently set up circuits which allow us to draw, borrow or steal energy from other people. We do this through generating emotional charge and harnessing the resultant energy. This plays out in the typical persecutor,victim, rescuer triangle and we establish patterns in our relationships which allow us to draw energy from those around us. This is as true of the victim as the persecutor! These patterns also play out on a group level (think of your football team), and eventually national level (think of war).
We have come to believe that we need to reach outside ourselves to find our power source. This belief pattern is not only inefficient and destructive but actually costs us a lot more. Engaging in this game actually causes us to lose connection to self. We no longer listen to our heart or trust ourselves, we instead seek approval, confrontation or drama to survive.
The good news is that there is an infinite supply of energy available which will provide all the Power you need to drive your creation. To tap into that energy supply you need to re-establish the integrity of your internal circuits. We are in essence a re-chargable battery which is powered by duality. We are organised to set up a flow between light and dense frequencies and once intact this circuit can connect to the infinite flow provided by the universe and nature.
To establish this virtuous cycle we need to learn to disconnect from the co-dependent, competitive circuits and listen to ourselves for guidance. In effect we need to become more seperate to establish the circuit which then allows us to connect to the original Power Source. In this place we will inevitably see the connectedness of everything as we are plugged into it, and at the same time have the integrity to be an individual expression of that Source. Once we realise that we no longer have to compete to survive we can apply our incredible power to co-creation and co-operation.
The route to Oneness requires Separation. Strange but True!
Powerful Living Workshop, Saturday 24th September, The Creative Space centre.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Harvest, water, weed.
This week I have been following his advice and as a result, my experience of the garden has been totally different. Its pretty obvious really but I now go out looking for fruit to harvest rather than weeds to attack. Then I will look for plants that need water, so nurturing. I do still find time to remove weeds but I find I am looking for where weeds are limiting the growth of plants rather than just making the place look untidy. As a result the whole energy with which I engage with the garden has changed to appreciation and nurturing rather than combat!!
I have found myself wondering whether this might extend beyond the garden. Last week during a Matrix session someone told me they felt that if I could change my beliefs about money everything would change. Driving home I started turning all my beliefs about money on their head and laughed when I got to, "Money does grow on trees."
Ridiculous as this may seem I began to wonder if I was just failing to "harvest" in my business in the same way as my garden. It was a really interesting exercise. Try it yourself. Do you sow seed, water, fertilise, prune, weed and harvest?
More importantly, I realised that starting with the harvest meant I was looking for what was successful in the garden rather than focusing on what needed fixing. This does apply to everything. Where attention goes, energy flows. So focusing on the harvest will bring more to harvest whereas focusing on weeds brings....more weeds!
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Results Day!!
Fast forward to now.....what's changed. She has found her passion. In February she decided not to take up any of her university places but instead to enrol on a practical filmaking course. Six months later she has discovered the wonderful world of cameras and cinematography. The first time she told me about working with a film camera she almost cried. "It's as though I make sense for the first time in my life." She found all the things that had caused problems at school suddenly became gifts....even the bullying she had experienced. Suddenly it became possible to see how everything that had happened had been preparing her for this experience. It also confirmed what we have always told parents....that people find a way of learning what they need when the time is right. Maths now has a context for Holly as she has to calculate ratios and fractions to operate the cameras she loves.
For me this has been the Law of Attraction in action. There is no way I could have anticipated four years ago that the girl sobbing at the table would want to be a cinematographer. I couldn't even guide her in the right direction. She found it herself. Yesterday she also told me that she now believes there is a job for long as they do what they want to do, not what everyone else wants them to do. This is not always easy and there have been many tears along the way, hers and mine. I have been helped by the constant reassurance of people who know Holly, that she would be fine.
So on this day of results if there is anyone out there with a child who hasn't got the grades they It will all work out brilliantly even though it may not be possible to see how at the moment. Give us a ring if you would like our help and please share your stories with us.
Friday, 12 August 2011
Dont Panic
I find a useful perspective is that the stories creating all the noise are expressions of the powerful energies hitting the planet at the moment. At an individual level you may experience this current phase of the shift as a personal anxiety and look around for the story to justify that feeling of unease or discomfort. We will either be worrying about our kids,relationship, finance or health.
I believe what we are seeing in the streets of London or in the financial markets are expressions of the same process, simply on a collective scale. I really don't believe the participants in these 'stories' are aware of why they are behaving as they are, they are simply players in the process of dismantling old structures which will no longer serve us.
The frustrations, fears and anxieties we may feel at the moment are simply old patterns falling away. The choice remains simple. Give those feelings energy, build a story around them and watch them persist or, if you are sensible,wave them a fond goodbye and get into present time.
It would be easy to attribute the anxieties we may be feeling to the 'stories' around us but I honestly believe we are like canaries in a coalmine. Where we have anxiety we are sensing the gas. If we choose to get curious about the gas and give it our energy then we may well experience an explosion. If we choose to treat our sense of gas as an opportunity to move away from the feeling or story then we will be fine.
As ever it is a case of managing your energy, holding a detached view of the drama playing out everywhere and choosing where you place your attention.
Stay present
Monday, 27 June 2011
Views from the Matrix
Something beyond the obvious.
As a man who is happy to have his thinking challenged, his paradigms shifted, his beliefs shattered, I have to admit this was the Premiership of mind blowing.
Richard Bartlett and his Matrix Energetics seminar is an experience on many different levels. Packed with confirmations and contradictions, this comic book experience turns your left brain inside out, bounces it off the wall, puts it in a blender and then gives it a re-assuring hug and sends it on its way.
Whilst my left brain is engaged in a one lobe wrestling match my right brain is having fun noticing what it notices....and that is often weird!
Perhaps the most profound realisation of the week was the understanding of Richard's insistence that Matrix Energetics is a consciousness technology. Most people get stressed by trying to mange their physical environment, believing that once the kids are sorted, the partner has changed, they have lost two stone, have the dream job and solved world poverty they will be happy. I thought I was smart seeing through this and explained that trying to manipulate your physical experience was pointless until you had sorted out your energetic patterns first. Once you had your energy sorted the rest would take care of itself anyway, or at least you wouldnt be at the affect of your external experience.
Listening to Richard Bartlett last week I realised that managing your energy was a bit like managing your physical environment. Not quite as difficult but still an attempt to manipulate what is already in existence. We have always been aware of this at some level at acreativespace but have been waiting for the aha moment which explains what we have been trying to communicate.
My big realisation is that for your experience to truly change you have to go to the level of consciousness...tap into the field of possibility and be open to anything that shows up. To me Matrix Energetics is simply about 'uncollapsing' the wave to open up the field of possibility, noticing what is different and being at peace with that. To do this you have to absolutely trust that it is a benevolent universe, which means getting out of its way.
When we play the 'create our own reality game' we too often have half an eye on an outcome we think we would like and so before we have uncollapsed the wave function we have collapsed it again, but only into an experience we have had or are previously aware of...this doesnt allow the universe to surprise and delight you, it merely keeps you locked into the pattern of experiences you think you are trying to change.
You have to go to the level of consciousness to allow something new in. Manipulating enrgy, be it through 'healing' or intention is merely playing with what is already there. The real excitement comes when you step beyond that and allow something new into your experience...I think they call them miracles.
The real secret with this is to hand over the reins to the universe...something easier to achieve when your left brain is in a blender.
Thank yoyu Richard for the experience, even if I havent got a clue what happened!
Monday, 13 June 2011
Put a bunch of schoolboys on a desert island and watch them descend into cruelty and separation and ultimatelty war. More shocking was to put a bunch of 'spiritually aware' people in a simple game involving money and watch it descend into an allegory of a society divided by lack and an economic system based on scarcity.
The game had only two rules. People had to look one another in the eye as they exchanged money. The money was real and from their own pocket. As the exchanges began in a jovial space people soon started to experience the different and surprisingly intense feelings involved with the exchange process. Had there been rules and certainty the game would have felt a lot safer but then the 'charge' would have been less.
What soon emerged was a brilliant demonstration of the limitations of the monetary system. As with the monetary system when the game was stopped most of the money in circulation was concentrated in 20% of the players. Most people expressed discomfort at taking more than they started with and resentment towards those able to do so. Few people enjoyed the game and many actively disliked the experience, falling into one of the three points on the passive aggressive triangle: victim, rescuer and (less obviously) persecuter (the blaming of someone else).
Despite an intense learning experience things got more interesting when the game recommenced. People had experienced a consequence of their decision making and adjusted their behaviour. What happened was startling to me. The most common course of action was to re-dress the balance, which to most meant getting their money back. Once this was achieved half of the participants actively stopped exchanging. The other participants carried on and when the game ended the concentration of money was even more polarized and the holder of the most money was able to dictate the terms of exchange, 'rewarding' pleasing behaviour from the other participants and refusing to participate in anything but the most beneficial of exchanges.
One participant had talked of love in the eye contact in the exchange, the implication being the contact was more important than the consequence, however in the second half of the game the same person having restored their 'balance' refused to exchange, love not so important all of a sudden.
To me the dynamics here are startlingly similar to the actual economy. What we saw in the first half was a free flow of money around the group and a sort of functional 'economy'. What happened in the second half was akin to protectionism which lead to a recession which actually concentrated all the resource, and power, in one place. People refused to exchange and there was even one case of theft! The game seized up as people held onto what they had.
The whole group showed tremendous courage in their willingness to share their experience and their feelings about it, which were often intense.
On a personal note I was shocked at the emotions this seemingly simple game had stirred within me but they were nothing to those I subsequently felt as I learned that after the game the balance was not redressed. I am not sure I could have even played if I had honestly believed that people could actually 'win' or 'lose'.
To see people leave enriched at the expense of others has been one of the toughest challenges I have faced in a long while and while I struggle to process these events I realise the intellectual understanding of the'creating your own reality' world is often a long way from accepting perceptions of injustice.
Personally, as a host to the event, I felt responsible for other people's discomfort and jumped straight into the rescuer archetype. This is a tremendous opportunity to move to a different place on this and I am grateful for the experience.
From a broader perspective it is clear how difficult it is to build a meaningful society when the means of exchange carries such a charge and the system itself is built on scarcity. Time for a change I feel.
Saturday, 11 June 2011
The kids are back!!
On Tuesday, I took a call from a lovely and stressed Mum who is being driven nuts by her wonderful and very demanding daughter. As we chatted, the solution that emerged seemed to be to allow her daughter to watch as much television as she wanted at the moment and to have her meals in front of other words to "rip up" the parent handbook and be guided by her instincts.
Wednesday was, I seem to remember, child free - although I did have a chat with Felicity Evans who runs Nature Kids up in Hertfordshire on Tuesday night!
Thursday we had three of Holly's friends from Film School over for pizza. The are about to shoot their first short film and Faith is going to be acting in one of them. They came over to introduce themselves and to make sure we were ok with it. I left the kitchen to take a phone call and when I came back I found Patrick, Faith and Holly sat around the table with her friends discussing their favourite James Bond films and reciting excerpts from Monty Python. I thought about all the energy I had spent over the last thirteen years worrying about them at school. The awful parents evenings, the tears over the lack of friends and the depression. One of the things I really value about working with Bill is his utter certainty that the kids will be fact that they are fine. On Thursday night I realised he is absolutely right. But my week hadn't yet finished!
Friday, we had a call from Allan and Maureen Churchman who we haven't seen for many years. Like Bill and I they became involved with Jane's work when their sons were turning them grey. They happened to be passing and wondered if they could pop in. We spent a lovely couple of hours swopping "horror" stories about our kids when they were younger....although I think their son James trumps anything Patrick has done. What was exciting though was to hear about the extraordinary work their sons are now doing. James Churchman.....remember that read it here about to launch an amazing business. Charles is a product designer. Both of them are very very dyslexic and were nightmares at school. They are both now talented, inspiring young men.
When I got home I found Faith on the phone to our old nanny, Jane. She was at her wits end as her son Alex (aged 7) was sitting in the bath staring at the wall saying he wanted to die. He had had a tantrum over his homework, a regular occurrence. Alex has been tested for ADD ADHD autism, everything. All I see is the most delightful little boy who is loved by everyone he comes into contact with. Jane tells me she can't walk down the street without having to stop and talk to a builder, postman or someone else who is Alex's friend.
What was brilliant was I was able to tell her all about James and Charles...who actually made Alex look an amateur on the behaviour front....although I think he will give them a good run for their money. It's easy to laugh about it all afterwards but at the time it is tough.
So thank you kids for an amazing week and yes we will keep going with Conscious Parenting. Interestingly we have a workshop next Thursday....coincidence? I think not. As they say, The Kids Are Alright!
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Heads up for June
June is here
Some of you may be aware that June promises to be an 'exciting' month. After a period of relative calm celestial events are likely to stir things up a bit. Whichever 'story' you choose to follow it is our observation that as things liven up in the skies we see a corresponding shift in energies within our community.
June and early July present us with three eclipses, the June solstice and for those Mayan enthusiasts, the Ninth Wave of the calender continues to pulse. Whether or not you are sensitive to these things it is worth being aware of your own state of well-being.
Many have reported an unexplained anxiety during these phases. When we experience anxiety or any other feelings we naturally try to justify or explain them. Our advice is notice them but do not attach to them. Trying to work out WHY you are feeling something is the first step toward greater stress. We seek the WHY so that we can somehow control things so the feeling can be removed. In fact the search for the source merely gives the feeling the energy it needs to persist and trying to control your environment is the ultimate stress.
The ONLY thing you can control is your own energy. Observe the feeling, appreciate it (whatever it is, say thank you if you can) and let it go. The feeling is not you! It is transitory and will pass quickly unless you give it energy. If you find you are struggling with this please feel free to give us a call. We can just listen or run a programme or share, but dont be shy.
What is it all about?
My belief, and it is just my belief, is that the geo-magnetics of the earth are changing and changing quickly. This is evidenced by the shifting of the magnetic poles (the North Pole will be in Siberia within 15 years if it continues at this rate). So what? Well we are just matter organised by a field and as that field changes so do we. Feelings are magnetic, thoughts electric. As the electro-magnetic field changes we will be shaking off emotions, belief patterns and all sorts of stuff that no longer serves us. This is a great opportunity. BUT attach to those feelings as they fall away and they will linger and you will experience them all the more. Try to be neutral, just observe with detachment and curiosity and you will discover a peace you will enjoy beyond expectation.
Many will encourage you to seek out the 'good' feelings and move away from the 'bad'. My advice would be to observe them all equally. Remove the judgement and you remove the charge. It is our seeking the good feelings which puts us in resistance to what is and gets us into attempting to control our environment, which is stressful!
So if in June you find yourself sitting at the front of an emotional roller coaster remember it is not personal. Try to observe yourself and the situations you are creating with amusement and awe. And if necessary give us a call.
Physical balances and one to one sessions.
I have been drawn back to some physical balancing of late and have been using a new technique which aligns the meridian system to the new geo-magnetics. This has been having a powerful effect on some and subtle effects on others. If you feel you need some help with this shift I am taking appointments at the Creative Space Centre. Each session lasts approximately an hour and is charged at £50.
If you are experiencing challenges with money, career, relationship, parenting then why not take a fresh look at those challenges. Learn to recognise the opportunities. We will be offering one-to-one sessions at the Centre for £50 an hour. If we fail to change your perspective you can have your money back!
Finally for those of you on the Programme remember to call if you need extra support. We do not charge to run extra specific balances so dont suffer in silence give us a call.
Happy June
Monday, 28 March 2011
Conscious Parenting
Bill has been writing the introduction today and we thought we would share the first part on the blog......
"Conscious Parenting
This workbook invites you to take a new look at your child.
At a practical level the information provided will give you an insight into how your child experiences their world. The resulting understanding will provide you with a greater awareness of the issues your child faces and in many cases we present useful tools to help you create an environment most conducive to your child’s development.
At a more profound level the information provided could well change the way you experience your world. We believe that the current generation of youngsters are offering us an opportunity to move beyond our current framework of limiting structures and patterns into a world of possibility. To access that world of possibility we need to develop a greater connection with present time. If you fully embrace the message contained within this workbook you will come to realise that the most powerful effect you can have on your child is by becoming fully aware of your own experience of the world.
Ghandi said “ be the change you would like to see in the world.” If we want our children to demonstrate a state of emotional well-being we must be in that state ourselves.
This workbook does not attempt to tell you how to parent. In fact it is often our attempts to be “good” parents which gets in the way of our authentic human responses to our children. We would rather you first get in touch with your feelings and instincts and then trust them, blocking out those chattering residents in your head telling you how you are falling short or failing as parents.
We do not claim to be experts. Just parents. Parents who were told their children were failing. Parents whose children dragged them out of complacency into an exciting world of possibility. We believe that if you have are reading this workbook you are at the beginning of an exciting journey. A cliche perhaps, but there is something really exciting happening with our children and they are asking us to wake up and join in. They will create something new and exciting with or without us, they would just like us to join in!"
What is going on with our children?
As the list of labels grow, so do the numbers of children on those lists. A collection of symptoms or behaviours which fall outside normal expectations are grouped together to form a diagnosis. Parents relieved to have their concerns recognised are soon disappointed as the choices presented to them seem limited and convey little real understanding of the child behind the label. Medication and a little extra support in the classroom seem to miss the point.
It is a gross simplification to ascribe the many differences our children present to one factor, but the children, and in many cases adults, we have helped have one common characteristic. They are all hypersensitive in one or more senses. The world they experience is too loud, too bright, too abrasive, in fact too everything!
Acute sensory sensitivity in itself is not necessarily a problem. In fact those sensitivities are more often than not our gifts. Hypersensitivity becomes a problem when it moves a child into stress through their sensory experience. Simply stated, many of the issues and challenges which we find confusing in our children are just expressions of fight/flight or survival behaviour induced by stress.
The behaviours are often confusing because the source of stress is seldom obvious and one of the aims of this workbook is to help you better understand how your child experiences their world. Once you understand their perceptions you will come to realise that their behaviours are not only perfectly logical but also pretty much how you would respond to the same experience. The fact is we have never encountered a knowingly naughty or stupid child, just individuals who are having a different experience to us.
One final point about hypersensitivity is that it extends beyond five senses. This is perhaps the most important thing to understand about this current generation of children. They are acutely aware of their energetic environment and will be very attuned to how their environment feels. Their environment includes the feelings of those around them, particularly those very close to them emotionally. These children quite literally feel their way through life and are more likely to be aware of our true emotional state than we are. Words are frequently secondary and confusing to these children as they feel rather than think their way through life."