Monday, 15 October 2012

The End of Emotion?

Are things changing? Maybe, maybe not. But my perception of them is.
I am noticing that there is less emotional charge around the events in my life, and with that comes a greater clarity, and the ability to respond rather than react to my circumstances. 

Paradoxically the less susceptible I am to emotional noise the greater the depth of feeling I experience.

This to me is the shift in action. As we spend less time and energy trying to control our environment we have less need to project our emotional state onto others, and are less at the effect of free floating emotional noise, and the emotional projection of others.

In this state we see through the fog and get a much more profound sense of self. We can observe and access our own truth. The feelings we experience in this state arise from within and are of a much different nature to emotions. Emotions are charged with judgement and lock us into the conditionality of the third dimension.
I have come to see emotions as tools of distraction, designed to move me away from self and keep me locked into the illusion of whatever story is presenting at that moment in time. 

Once the emotional aspect of an event loses its ability to distract, my perception of that event changes. As this becomes my predominant experience I have noticed that the circumstances I find myself in have less and less power over me. 

For me the end of emotion does not make me unfeeling. In fact the opposite. It allows a feeling which carries within it an intelligence beyond the reach of the rational mind. It allows me to access ME rather than the story of me.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Do you suffer from Oughtism?

Scientists (they ought to know after all) have identified a new neurally degenerative condition which cruelly strips away authenticity, passion, confidence and expression. Closely linked to the highly addictive condition of judgement, the scientific community have stated that in their considered opinion the only solution is to be right all the time: 

Dr. Ivan Answer, has named this conditon Oughtism, and went onto explain "this silent passion killer has been spreading like wildfire through our communities. The Ought is a microscopic virus which is used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions". Educationalist Ivor Noidea said "Schools all over the world have witnessed a spread of pandemic proportions." 


1. Depression
2. Resentment
3. Irritability
4. Stress
5. Exhaustion
6. Regret

Related conditions and complications:

1 Shouldism.
2. Wouldism
3. Couldism.


1. Stop doing what you think you ought to do.
2. Stop doing what others think you ought to do.
3. Stop doing what you think others think you ought to do.
4. Stop thinking you know what others think you ought to do.

Miracle cure:

There have been reports of a total reversal of all symptoms. A community known as acreativespace has engaged in a revolutionary process of  the total removal of oughts from their lives. This cold turkey approach involves some radical treatments including, following your passion, thinking with your heart and a policy of no regrets. One person who claims to be totally free of oughtism explains "a first it was hard. I found myself desperate to judge something, but now I just am".

Friday, 28 September 2012

All you need is...worry

All you need is.....worry.

A favourite drinking game at college was to substitute one word for another in a film title.One particular night the word was Reg and we focussed on Bond films. "The Reg who loved me", "For Reg's eyes only" etc. It is amazing the difference one word can make and how this simple game was the source of so much laughter to a bunch of drinking students.

How appropriate does it feel to substitute the word worry for love? Can you imagine John Lennon and Paul McCartney whooping as they hit upon the lyric "All you need is worry...". Think of some other blockbusters, "The Power of Worry" by Huey Lewis and the News. Phil Collins "You can't hurry worry" . Or do you fancy partying with the B-52s at the "Worry Shack" ?

However incongruous this sounds, it is actually the way we conduct ourselves in many crucial areas of our life. The Parenting With Grace and Ease Telecall highlights six Mindsets which will change your perspective, not just on parenting but, on life. One of those Mindsets is WORRY IS NOT LOVE.

The energy of worry is very far removed from the energy of love. The two feel as incoherent as the song titles sound. Worry takes you out of present time and separates you from your power. It is also contagious and undermines confidence. The remarkable thing is that worry is often mistaken for love, especially in parenting.

Perhaps the most extreme example of this I have seen was when a parent genuinely epxressed "the worry that she wouldn't have anything to worry about once she had stopped worrying about her daughters." An incredible admission but I suspect a strangely commom view of life.


I have just listened to the excellent Alison Chester Lambert's thoughts on OCTOBER and for those astrologers amongst you she points out that the antagonistic angle between Pluto and Uranus is generating some high powered energies which leave us feeling as if we are "walking on eggshells which are scattered on a hot in roof", and although there are many healing aspects to October's energy, change is a theme and there is the potential to feel unsettled.

This presents both challenge and opportunity. Moving into familiar patterns and behaviours are unlikely to provide much comfort. It seems that change is going to happen whatever, and it is just a question of how you embrace it. My suggestion is that you embrace that change with excitement and possibility rather than anxiety and fear.

As I keep repeating (to myself in particular) the energy with which you engage in every moment will turn into your experience faster than ever. I suggest you choose LOVE rather than WORRY.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Stop blaming the money!

I was enjoying the hundreds of Facebook posts which have accumulated over the past weeks and I stumbled across one which caught my eye. It pictured a US $ bill next to a note of Monopoly money. The caption observed that the only difference between these two notes is your belief that one has more value than the other.

On reflection I think that it is not your belief in the relative value which is important but the belief of the person who is willing to accept it in exchange for something tangible or real. There is an awful lot of noise from people (usually those without money) about the injustice of the monetary system. There is an equal amount of noise from those with money about economic policies which dilute the value of their money.

A common explanation of the troubles within our economy is that we have moved away from the Gold Standard and as a result paper money has become pretty much worthless. The argument is that there is too much money and we should move to a unit of exchange that is by definition limited. I guess this is the point of the Monopoly money comparison on the Facebook page.

To attack the monetary system we have developed is a bit like shooting the messenger. Money is not moral or immoral, money is not fair or unfair, money is not a persecutor or a victim.  To be honest money couldn't care less where it rests, it does not have an opinion but it does tend to like its own company! Money will flow to where money already is, I think that is called the Law of Attraction and surprisingly this is, in part, the problem.

Money itself is not the problem. The problem is that money holds a monopoly over the measure of value. As a result of this money has acquired its own value. To go back to the Monopoly money analogy, the belief has become reality. The $ bill does have more value than the Monopoly money and necessarily so, but it has developed a value beyond its role. The work of Stephen Belgin highlights this in his book New Money for a New World. He accurately describes money as a tool and our current issue is that we are only using one tool for the many different functions required of money. His analogy is trying to build a house with just a hammer. We are trying to build a society with an economic system equipped with just one tool.

Having just one measure of value is the problem underlying so many economies. The example which springs to mind is in the UK. If I put on my trader hat for a moment I have noticed that housebuilders in the UK look to be a good investment, which means if I want to accumulate more money I will buy shares in housebuilders and will be rewarded, with money as their perceived monetary value increases. Now the perverse thing about this system is that the reason housebuilders look like an attractive investment is that they have stopped building houses. In response to fear in the economy they have worked out that the way to increase their monetary value as a company is to stop doing what they are there to do.

The task we face is to build a system in which housebuilders are rewarded for building houses rather than the perceived monetary value of their business. One idea is to have a tax system which penalises the hoarding of assets or money whilst rewarding productive investment. A housebuilder gets taxed at 0% for profits on actual economic activity, but 105% on simple asset or monetary accumulation. The case for complementary currencies as proposed by Belgin is compelling as it is logical and a real possibilty as a solution to our perceived problems.

However, I would like to play with the possibility that it is not the system which is in question, but the consciousness which underlies it.  Whatever solution is proposed if it is based on the principles of scarcity (the Gold Standard for example) the same perceived faults will emerge. 

What it comes down to is that money is just a reflection of our state of consciousness, and at the moment we are operating from a place of lack and fear. We reward and covet accumulation above creation. I believe the cellular expression of this consciousness is obesity. Blaming money as the cause of our problems is similar to blaming food for obesity.

If we could perhaps ascribe one more role on the overstretched tool that money has become it would be that of messenger. Money does have a consciousness of its own and at the moment it is trying to tell us something. We are out of balance and living in fear. If we could look at some of our fundamental belief patterns around scarcity we might begin to understand the message that money is trying to give us.

Money just like everything else wants to be loved.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Practical Presence

What needs to change in my world for me to be OK?



Thursday, 28 June 2012

See your name in lights....Neon Lights

This week's  We Love... link is to a conversation between Jim Self and Bruce Lipton. These are two of the teachers whose insights have had a profound effect on my thinking and hold such as resonance with our work here at acreativespace.

Those of you who have attended one of our workshops will be familiar with the concept of Integrated Energy Circuits and freeing yourself from the limitations of co-dependency. Indeed, our work at a fundamental level is about developing your own clear and coherent frequency pattern. To achieve this we have to move beyond the limiting belief patterns which drive us into co-dependent relationships, and gain the stability afforded by a state of presence.

The belief that we are not enough compels us to look to the external for survival and this pattern has resulted in the way we have organised ourselves. Not just individually, but societally, nationally and internationally. Interactions are based on competition, completion and survival, rather than communication and co-creation.

The diagrams I have used to explain the energetics of this in workshops tend to end up with a slightly chaotic and abstract feel (that is a mess in plain English) and I have been searching for a clearer way to communicate this information. Ask the question and the answer arrives...

I didn't pay too much attention when Patrick, Tracy's son, brought his physics revision into the Centre and posed a question about The Noble Gases. As ever, the kids show us the way and I dived into Wikipedia in attempt to bridge this gap in my knowledge. However, it was not until I listened to Bruce Lipton's brilliant explanation of how the Noble Gases can be used as a metaphor for the stability which, quite literally in this case, leads to enlightment.

If you listen to the ten minutes beginning at 40:00 minutes you will be treated to an explanation which demonstrates that relationship beyond co-dependency operates on a different plane, quite literally radiating light. This is more than an analogy of interaction. It is a presentation of the realiy we currently have available. The chemistry is there to be seen. As part of the holographic nature of our reality the stability of the Noble Gases is within us all and if we learn to manage our enregy appropriately we will see our names up in lights, NEON LIGHTS at that!

Monday, 25 June 2012

What's your game?

I have spent the last two weeks helping people create new family money legacies.

Listening to the family stories I found myself in awe of the resilience of the human spirit. Then one evening I found myself standing back from the stories and marvelling at the variety of beliefs we have inherited which lead to us, in effect, rejecting money. At that point an image dropped into my head.

I saw Money sitting on a wall swinging it’s legs looking fed-up (think Humpty Dumpty and substitute a £50 note for an egg!). “What’s up?” I asked. “Oh, I’m just waiting for someone to play with,” Money  replied. Then I realised it was sitting on the wall of a playground full of groups of people playing different games.

“But there are loads of people to play with.” I said. “Well it’s not as easy as that.” Money replied. “You see that group over there think I’m dirty so I can’t play with them. That group over there think I make people unhappy so they won’t play. I can only play with men in that group and if I try to play with that group over there they lock me up and I never get away.

“What about that group playing Grandmother’s Footsteps over there?” I asked. “Oh that’s the Law of Attraction lot...I don’t really understand that game but everynow and then I just go over and join in and they get very excited. There’s another group over there who are fun for a while but then the other people make them feel guilty so they usually send me away.”

“There must be someone.” I said. Suddenly, Money jumped off the wall. “Sorry got to dash. That group over there have decided they have worked hard enough so they will play with me for a while.” At which point Money ran off to play with a woman who looked surprisingly like.....hang on a!

Which game are you playing?

with love


Friday, 15 June 2012

Life beyond survival.

 A game you can't win?

As an economist by training I look at the current situation of the World Economy and, like all other economists can see no real solution within the current system. There are ways to profit from it, to position yourself with a greater chance of survival, but there is no solution to it.  The subtitle of the book Busting Loose from the Money Game gives us a clue...Mind-Blowing Strategies for Changing the Rules of a Game You Can't Win.

This is a classic example of Einstein's oft quoted truism 'you can't solve a problem with the thinking used when we created it."

What is the problem?

So what is the thinking which created the problems we currently face? I believe it is the same thinking which underlies all of our current "problems", be it in finances, in relationship, in education, in environment, even in time.

The definition of economics I learnt at school was "the study of the allocation of scarce resources". The concept of scarcity is the base assumption which governs the way we organise ourselves. Scarcity creates the need to differentiate ourselves and underpins the whole Darwinian outlook of survival of the fittest and is the basis for competition. We live as if we are just about to run out of everything. Money, energy, water, time, name it and we believe there is not enough of it.

The current banking crisis is not caused by lack of money but the reluctance of the banks to circulate the money they have. The banking system has become obese because of their fear of future lack, in the same way as the West has an increasingly obese population while others in the world go hungry.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

To understand current US economic policy we need look no further than the episode of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in which society is run by hairdressers and phone sanitisers (a metaphor for the service economy). To solve their economic problems the hairdressers adopted leaves as their currency. This of course made everybody immensely rich but had created a bit of a problem with inflation due to the high level of leaf availability (one peanut now costs three desciduous forests!). The Fed is currently using the leaf solution, but calling them dollars and the policy is quantative easing!

To solve the problem of inflation the hairdressers have decided to revalue the leaf by an extensive campaign of defoliation and burn down all the forests. This is the IMF and German solution to the problem!

Watch the first minute and a half of the clip ( Economics ) and you have a pretty good understanding of world economics.Watch the rest and you will find the answer to life, the universe and everyhting!

So what is the solution?

The bad news is that at this level there isn't one.

The good news is that at this level there isn't one.

How can this possibly be good news?

To go back to Einstein's quote, we need a new type of thinking, not to solve the problem but to transcend it. We have to select a new belief pattern which can see beyond the paradigm of scarcity. We have to move beyond survival. The fact is that all the time we hold onto the base assumption of scarcity there is no solution to our problem.

If there was a solution, it would simply keep us locked into the game you can't win. It is time to start playing a new game.

Fortunately, the evolutionary leap required to transcend those limitng structures is now firmly in progress. Described by some as the Shift, this evolution of human consciousness, is moving us from a limited conditional framework, known by some as the third dimension, to a more fluid unconditional experience known as the fifth and higher dimensions.

This shift is hard to imagine as it transports us to a paradigm beyond survival and operates with a different set of ground rules which is akin to installing new software and escapes the 'logic' of cause and effect thinking which is, rather cleverly, part of the scarcity package. 

You are the solution!

This shift in consciousness is not something which will happen outside of you, although the current paradigm may make it appear that way. The replacement of survival programming with new higher dimensional software is an indivdual process. Think of it as installing anti-spam software to your e-mail. Choosing your attention point (see an earlier blog where attention = LOVE) is your key to your experience. Focus on the higher aspects of life as opposed to the lack.

As your attention point moves beyond the paradigm of lack so will your experience of the world. As your perceptual reality adjusts to life beyond survival the nature of the information you will be able to access will evolve and with it your whole experience.

The exciting part is that this new experience is available now, its just a question of giving it your attention.

Friday, 8 June 2012


So here we are in June already and there is so much happening it is taking a real discipline to retain the degree of stability which is needed to stay outside the story. One of the clearest indicators of change to me is the elasticity of time. Travelling back on the train from London the other day I called my wife to let her know what time I would be home so that I could get a lift from the station. The parameters were very clear and the usual operation of time suggested that from where I was the journey would take a minimum of fifteen minutes but a probable twenty. I obviously checked the current time and gave a fairly certain expectation of my arrival time. Disembarking the train I realised that time had moved on by only eight minutes and I that somehow I had no real recall of the last part of the journey. I was a little bemused, not to mention fed up at having to wait in the rain for a lift, but noticed others around me in the same situation. I am used to strange experiences with time but this one had clearly transcended planet Bill to other more regular commuters.

On reflection the past month has been a strange combination of time passing in a blink of an eye, yet an incredible amount of time available to achieve the seemingly unachievable. Our experience at the Mind, Body, Spirit show in London seems to have packed a months worth of activity into ten days.

Others have reported a real urgency to get on with projects and setting seemingly impractical timelines for themselves, only to find providence and co-operation make things happen.

One of the aspects of the current shift which we are all experiencing has been the fragility of our previously certain reference points, and I suspect this is what is happening with time. In the past the time between having a thought and having the experience generated by that thought has been slow enough to allow a degree of flexibility. It has taken a continued focus on something for it to become our reality. My experience of late is that the time between a thought and a manifestation has greatly reduced. This is fantastic if you are disciplined and productive in your thinking but less so if you are scattered and pessimistic in your outlook. Without the luxury of time to temper your thought patterns it has become important to be aware of where you are placing your attention.

We are all more powerful than we have previously been aware because of the long lead time necessary for manifestation. Now that the old reference point of time is becoming more fluid and the speed of manifestation is increasing we will become more aware of our power. With power comes responsibility, but that responsibility is to yourself. Become more aware of the effects that your thoughts have on your experience and you will soon learn to embrace that power.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Fixing problems

Bill’s latest blog “What is love?” got me thinking.

He mentions the observer effect and how in Quantum physics the observer’s attention collapses the wave into a particle. This means what we give our attention to becomes our reality.
So what happens when we encounter a problem. We talk about “fixing” a problem and I suppose given what Bill is saying, that is right. By focusing our attention on the “problem” we collapse the wave and literally “fix” the problem!
When Bill and I set up acreativespace we were clear that it was not about “fixing” broken kids. I don’t think we realised at the time what we were saying but three years down the line I realise we were spot on. By looking at childen in terms of all the things they couldn’t do we would have been “fixing” them. Collapsing the wave and stifling their potential with a label, “dyslexic”, dyspraxic”, “ADD”, “Autistic”.
Realising this I have been wondering about all the problems I have been “fixing”. By giving them attention am I actually creating them? As Bill points out, “Where the attention goes the energy flows.”
How do you deal with a problem without making it worse? We always advise parents to be curious about their child’s behaviour. We say we have never met a naughty or stupid child....just one who we don’t understand yet. So when a child does something they don’t appreciate we suggest that rather than getting annoyed they become curious. This stops them resisting the child’s beviour because as we know, “What you resist persists!”

So maybe it is time to take my own advice and become curious about some of the problems I am trying to fix. Curiousity killed the cat but could it be my new best friend?

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

What is Love?

My last blog left me pondering the question...what is love? 

The question came about following an exploration of the concepts behind Adamantine particles and the idea that matter was brought into being through the FORCE called LOVE.

In order to really grasp this I had to look at the use of the word love and found myself eventually replacing the word love with the word attention.

To explain this I will use the term love in lower case to explore its current usage and the word LOVE in upper case to explore the force of creation, sometimes known as God.

In the third dimensional world of conditionality love has become subject to the usual dualist distinctions. Love is a good thing and its absence is associated with the nasties of fear or hate. In short love has become a conditonal expression of approval of behaviours and people we like (or people who like us!). Our declaration of love before God in our marriage vows is a conditional contract of predetermined behaviour. 

That is not to say we have no experience of unconditional love, its just that in those moments you no longer reside in third dimension, you have accessed a portal to a higher dimensional experience.

So what of this other LOVE? The LOVE which to me is interchangeable with ATTENTION. We are all familiar with the phrase "Where attention goes the energy flows".  This is not just the statement underlying the Law of Attraction but is exemplified by the observer effect in Quantum physics. The observer's attention collapses the wave into a particle. To put it another way, that to which we give our attention becomes our reality. Whatever we LOVE comes into being. LOVE is the FORCE which brings matter into being.
At this point all the New Agers start hugging each and try to love a better planet into being. Good luck!

So why are we failing? Why haven't they hugged a better, fairer world into place? If everything is made from love who ordered the nuclear missiles?

The answer is our world of judgement we have given our LOVE (attention) to that which we judge as bad! LOVE is beyond the realm of judgement, it just is. We are living breathing LOVE machines as we walk around giving our ATTENTION without a great deal of awareness and even less understanding.

If  LOVE is simply ATTENTION then it is neither good nor bad. We build nuclear weapons with LOVE, not because they are good or bad but because we give our attention to war. To try to stop war with love is still giving attention to war, so we are inadvertently LOVING war, applying the force of creation.

How do we move from love to LOVE?

The answer to this one is, in my mind, PRESENCE. Presence to me is a state in which all of your attention is in the here and now. You are neither thinking about tomorrow or yesterday nor wondering what your wife or children are doing. In other words your current situation has your full ATTENTION. You are in essence in LOVE with the moment. This is the portal to that unconditional terrain which we associate with the higher dimensions.

The children we see at acreativespace are often mirroring their experience of the world. They often have the label ADD or that LOVE deficit disorder? Perhaps they are showing us their experience of a world lacking in LOVE, or to put it another way, a world where the portal to LOVE is closed. The way to really connect with these children is to be as present as possible and remove the LOVE deficit.

So what are the children we label ADD telling us? They are a reflection of the world they see and what they perceive is quite literally a world lacking ATTENTION, or to put it another way, LOVE DEFICIT DISORDER. We have lost our connection to the moment and in so doing have closed that portal to the higher dimensional experience, the unconditional terrain.

Our experience is that to authentically connect, communicate and co-create with these kids we must first demonstrate PRESENCE, which is another way of saying ATTENTION, which is another way of saying LOVE. No one is questioning the love for these kids, but they require LOVE. 

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Would you Adam and Eve it!

For those of you unfamiliar with cockney rhyming slang (the Americans amongst you may think of Dick van Dyke in Mary Poppins!) the phrase 'would you Adam an Eve it?' translates to 'would you believe it?'

If you who have been to one of our workshops you will be familiar with my fascination with Adam and Eve, or more accurately the Garden of Eden story. To me The Garden represents abundance and the story tracks man's adoption of a belief pattern based on lack and survival, which lead to competition and separation.

It is my belief that the current evolution of human consciousness is in fact the realisation of our return to Eden. My problem is that this belief is, well, just my belief. Like all of us enjoying this current reality I would like some evidence please! This is the challenge we all face when making change...holding a new belief pattern with enough conviction to see it materialise.

Our work at acreativespace is about changing people's perceptual reality to the extent that their experience of life changes. We have learnt that it is not enough to make a superficial alteration to someone's belief pattern. The belief has to be held with enough stability for it to become that person's experience.
So I asked myself, "what would it be like to have some confirmation of the validitty of my musings?" What would  it take for me to really Adam an' Eve it? Or to KNOW rather than beleive.

The universe doesn't hang around and  that Friday we had a new client. We ran her son on the Programme. His name? EDEN. We ran the programme on Eden and the remarkable thing about the balance was that it re-counted much of the content of the Garden of Eden story, right down to the Tree of Life.

Ok, I sat up and took notice. Having read thousands of balances from the Programme I knew this one was different.

It didn't take long to get the next piece. Monday morning in fact. I received a call from a woman who had seen my interview with Sandie Sedgbeer and was wondering if the Programme might help her. Her name. EVE of course!

I was getting the hang of it and awaited patiently for Adam to turn up and explain all to me. Adams came and went but with no resonance, until I noticed that the Programme kept presenting the frequency pattern for the Adamantine Particle. I noted that but carried on until I received a module from a Lauren Gorgo (Think with your heart) e-mail course I was doing (CellSpeak). The subject matter...Adamantine Particles.

So what are Adamantine Particles? To quote CellSpeak 'they are the smallest, most fundamental both manifest and unmanifest existence... that contain the stored potential to form any original substance in our universe. They are the particles which make up the ether (space and non-space) , assemble the atoms of all original elements and make up all matter in the universe...including the sub-atomic cell structure of our bodies.'

So there I had it. Eden, Eve and Adam(antine) all served on a plate! The fun part is gluing all those Adamantine Particles together to create a reality based in abundance rather than the inherited belief in lack.

The secret apparently is LOVE. Love is the force which glues everything together and brings an idea into form. This got me pondering the age old question of  "what is love?"

That is the subject of my next Blog and brought me to a number of realisations which once revealed seem obvious but had been long obscured.

Is love simply attention? ADD becomes Love Deficit Disorder, which I think gives a big clue!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Permission to panic

I have found myself thinking about birth a lot recently. Last week I was explaining to Bill that there was a moment during the birth of each of my three children when I totally “lost the plot.” I experienced a moment when if I could have changed my mind, I would have! As each contraction became more intense than the last one, I felt I could not bear one more but I couldn’t stop the process....I couldn’t go back, I couldn’t change my mind. I had no alternative but to experience more pain.

When I was pregnant with Faith, I found a wonderful private midwife called Dorothy and Faith was delivered at home into water. Dorothy explained to me there was a name for the point when I lost the was called the transition and very shortly after that point I would feel the urge to push and deliver the baby.

So why am I revisiting all of this now? Well three reasons. The first was a  passage I read in a recent World Puja Newsletter when Maureen Moss was describing the birth of her grandson.

“I haven't a full conception as to what really occurred in those moments of his entry, other than it was profoundly Divine in its nature, spanned many dimensions, and clarified without a doubt more than I had anticipated.”

I was struck for the first time by a real sense of what a miracle birth is and how I had never really appreciated it before. Although I have given birth three times I did not have any sense of wonder around the process....fear certainly, excitement possibly but never wonder and that made me rather sad.

The second was a beautiful film Carole Senogles sent through which I have re-posted on our Facebook page. It is of Thalasso baby bath and is delightful. I was though also struck by Caroles comment, “What would it take for all our beautiful babies to experience this after their birth into physicality?”

The third reason was listening to Kendall Summerhawk describing the fear she still experiences when taking a leap with her business. I have found this so reassuring. She explains how she has come to recognise the fear and feel it as confirmation that she is taking a leap and is about to experience a breakthrough. Making a leap means leaving behind old beliefs that are comfortable but no longer serve you. You have to be willing to see and feel things in a new way and there may well be a part of you that is not prepared to make that change. But this is growth. You are stepping into a new version of yourself.

It also reminded me of something Bob Geldorf said about organising Live Aid. Apparently he used to go to sleep at night with a pile of towels next to the bed because he would wake up in the night sweating with fear about what he had taken on.

I suspect that when I feel that fear I tend to pull back. When I was giving birth I couldn’t pull back, I had to move through the fear and this produced three beautiful babies. I wonder what else is waiting for me the other side of fear. Gas and air anyone....?

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Secret Power of Power Secrets

I was once told the way to produce a bestseller is to include the word Power or Secret in the title.

I decided to investigate these words and as a reult have discovered the way to world peace, total abundance and instant manifestation. There is an obvious temptation to withold this information and describe it as a secret but that would be both childish and predictable.

Truth is I didn't get very far with the word secret. People seemed to know all about it but wouldn't tell me.

However, power was a revelation. I structured a workshop called Power Living and in attempting to define power I came to see how the perception of personal power was in fact the root of our disempowerment.

The simplest and perhaps cleanest definition of power is the ability or capacity to perform or act effectively, and indeed this was the intention behind the workshop.

The next defintion I found was a big 'aha' for me as it exposed the flawed thinking which has ultimately disempowered us all. That definition was of persoanl power which is described as your ability to control your environment including others in your environment.

It is precisely the belief that your power lies in your ability to control circumstances and other people which causes us to lose our power. True power is the ability to be OK regardless of external conditions.
If you look at those able to work successfully with horses or children they both demonstrate a similar characteristic. They manage their own energy first, thereby creating the possibilty of genuine communication and co-creation.

It may have been true in the past that controlling others has been a route to an illusory state of power, be it through the blunt instrument of war or the subtle control of marketing and media. However, I believe that we are in a seminal point in our evolution where power over others is becoming as impossible as it is undesirable.

Any attempt to project energy or power over another takes you away from self and denies you the state of presence in which the new authentic power lies. Marketing, politicians and businesses are beginning to experience this new reality and will increasingly lose power as resonance replaces dominance.

When flying you are instructed to put on your own oxygen mask first in an emergency, for it is only then that you can be of use to others. Extend that metaphor to life and amazing things will happen.

Monday, 5 March 2012

What is acreativespace?

I had a very humbling experience on Thursday night when I was interviewed by Sandie Sedgbeer on the Awakening Zone.

The past ten years of my life have been absorbed in the world of frequency and the past three in the construction of the consciousness which we know as acreativespace. 

Given the opportunity to talk about it for an hour and a half to an educated audience with a knowledgable and enthusiastic host would seem to be a dream come true. 

I came out of the conversation somewhat dispirited and frustrated. I left the interview with one question nagging away at me and it was the very question I was there to answer. 

That question was WHAT IS ACREATIVESPACE? 

If I left asking that question, what on earth must anybody listening be thinking?

So...What is acreativespace?
What is interesting is in the opening section of this blog I described acreativespace as a consciousness as opposed to a business and this, I think, is where the answer to my question lies. Smarter questions do work! 

Early in the history of acreativespace Ltd we realised that to fulfil its potential acreativespace should not be organised as a traditional business. Its function was to create a space in which all those interacting with it could become a full expression of their essence. 

This included ourselves. It was not the task of acreativespace to provide us with a living but to create the environment in which our true expression would allow us to create the lives we love, in a place we love, with people we love.

At a practical level this meant it needed a presence within the current paradigm of survival. It had to pay the rent and keep us warm. It had to embody. But behind that it's real function was to be the space which allows authentic expression... a physical space; an energetic space; a spiritual space.

The true essence of acreativespace is an intelligence and organizing principle behind the arising of form. It is the un-manifest, the eternal. I borrow these words from Eckhart Tolle and they are, in part, his definition of consciousness. 

To define acreativespace as consciousness may seem crazy, but that is how I perceive it. My journey with acreativespace has been a trip into consciousness itself. 

How do you market consciousness?  

Quite simply you don't. 

My frustration on Thursday was my inability to communicate what acreativespace can do for you, your family, your business or whatever your perceived needs. 

But therein lies the problem. Perceived needs.

Within the current paradigm of lack, we operate a business by identifying, or more commonly, creating a demand or need, and then providing the goods or services which solve the problem or satisfies the demand.

Basically we are told that we are not enough and that there is a something available which will make you enough. This applies as much to many spiritual teachers as it does to the cosmetics industry.

What if the message is that you are enough?  You do not need to buy my product. Engage with us and nothing in your experience will change. Pretty tricky sale that! But at its core it is the truth of our message at acreativespace.

So what do we offer? 

Simply stated we are selling space. In effect we are selling nothing. In that space your essence will be able to breathe, be able to express and will connect you to the infinite abundance that you are. You will see through the illusion of lack and there is literally no price tag on that.

Do not engage with acreativespace to remove a problem. Engage as a demonstration that all problems are an illusion. 

Each time you buy something to remove a perceived lack, to remove a concern or surpress a fear you are cementing the reality of lack and buying into the fiction that there is something to fear.

Be brave enough to buy something because there is no lack and that the something you buy will make no difference to your external world. Shattering the illusion of lack will release you to create any experience you choose, it will catapult you into the void, or into a truly creative space.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Do you believe in Father Christmas?

Last week Charlotte and I decided to set ourselves an outrageous target for The Happy Home Stone. I can see no logical way in which we can achieve it and that is why we set it. One way of getting me to “let go”. Since then it feels as though the Universe’s response has been,  “OK, if you want to reach this target we need to look at a few small limiting beliefs...”

Later that day I listened to a call on a programme called the Money Breathrough Method I have recently signed up for. This is a programme by Kendall Summerhawk and I signed up when I heard her say “How you do money is how you do everything.” During the call she took us through her Money Breakthrough Method which is a series of nine questions designed to help you discover your underlying belief about money. After the call I was eager to apply it to myself so I wrote down the questions and took myself off for a bath...the only guaranteed place to find any peace and quiet in my house. An hour and a number of top ups of hot water later I had it and WOW! It was like toppling dominoes!

I realised that I believed you have to work hard to make money. All my family stories are about my grandmother working extremely hard to save £100 to start the family business etc. I then realised that if this is my belief then it will create my experience and my experience will of course reinforce my belief. I could see, however, that the belief came first and I had stumbled upon a belief that was so deep seated that I regarded it as truth. This sent me off in search of my other “sacred cows”.

I uncovered a whole raft of beliefs which I had inherited from my parents. Beliefs so deep seated that each time I uncovered one it was like finding out Father Christmas wasn’t real. I began to see how perfect the Father Christmas story is. Adults you trust fill your head with stories of an old man climbing down the chimney to leave you presents. You don’t question it and then one day you find out it’s a pack of lies. Do you think the Universe is perhaps giving us a hint for later in life?

Where else could I find deep-seated beliefs which if I could change might change my experience of life? I recently embarked, very reluctantly, on a major programme of dental work. If I could uncover the underlying belief that was creating this experience could I change the experience.....i.e. avoid it. I have tried everything else, Matrix Energetics, The Programme, mandalas, you name it I have given it a go. So I dug around for the beliefs and found some great ones and the date of my next appointment approached.

Well, two and a half hours later after a lot of drilling and root canal treatment I emerged. Sitting on the train home with a very sore jaw I pondered what I was getting wrong. Then I got it. Everything I was doing was to avoid the experience because of fear. I was trying to change a belief to change an experience because I was afraid. When I am no longer afraid of the dentist then I suspect suddenly I will no longer need to go - but I won’t mind because I am no longer trying to avoid it. Suddenly I could see the gift in the experience, I stopped resisting it and I felt that wonderful peace I am coming to know as presence.

So I don’t believe in Father Christmas....but as for the Tooth least she seems to have money sorted!

with love


Sunday, 29 January 2012

The Faith Point

Back in December Bill had a dream in which he saw a triangle with the e-pendant in one corner, the Happy Home Stone in another and the word faith at the top. I was intrigued because at the time I felt that I was experiencing something I had started to call a Faith Point.

I looked up the meaning of faith and found "belief that is not based on proof". This was exactly where I felt. It was the run up to Christmas and although I felt that something significant had changed over the past few months I found myself looking at a set of events and circumstances that looked exactly the same as the year before. Had anything changed or was I just deluding myself?

It was the time of the solstice - the shortest day, the time of greatest darkness. I kept thinking of the expression, "The darkest hour is just before the dawn." I also got the sense that it was the point where I often lose hope and give up. Looking at it in terms of the Law of Attraction I could see that I would have an idea and start to implement it with great enthusiasm. At some point though my doubts would overwhelm my enthusiasm. I suspect that just at the very moment when my initial idea was about to be realised, my frequency would change to frustration and hey presto -  my experience to one of frustration.

Over the solstice it bordered on despair. As I relayed my woes one evening to my daughter she said, “Mum, I hate to say this but I think it’s a faith point.” I agreed with her and said that I just wish I understood what was going on ..... at which point she said, “But then it wouldn’t be a faith point!” Smarty pants!!

Undeterred, I have been trying to make sense of the Faith Point.  After Christmas, I read Neale Donald Walsh’s book, The Storm Before the Calm and I found the following:

“ The trick is to stay positive in a sea of negativity. The trick is to know that the process is working even when it looks as if it is not.”

Then last night I read in a great book called The Science of Getting Rich (free to download from the internet):

“Every individaul has the natural and inherent power to think what he wants to think, but it requires far more effort to do so than it does to think the thoughts which are suggested by appearances. To think according to appearances is easy; to think truth regardless of appearances is laborious and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work we are called upon to perform.
.....Every appearance in the visible world tends to produce a corresponding form in the mind which observes it, and this can only be prevented by holding the thought of the TRUTH.”

Belief not based on proof, to know that the process is working even when it looks as though it is not, to think truth regardless of appearances....that for me is the Faith Point and as 2012 progresses I am beginning to feel that we may have collectively crossed it!
